Meido Moore

Meido Moore Sensei has studied martial arts and meditation since 1986. He spent 6 years as uchideshi (personal apprentice) training under Fumio Toyoda Shihan. Moore Sensei has been instructing Aikido since 1991, nationally and internationally, and has founded and led several dojo. He holds the rank of rokudan, and has been certified as an Aikido master teacher (Shihan). Moore Sensei is also an ordained Buddhist priest and has received inka shomei. He currently serves as abbot of the Korinji Rinzai Zen temple. Great Lakes Aikido is greatful for Sensei's continued inspiration and assistance as a technical advisor, and regular instruction at seminars.

Michael Malitsky

Michael Malitsky began Aikido training in 1994 while studying at Northwestern University. He studied under John Mazza Sensei and a number of other instructors in AAA, ASU, and Birankai. Starting in 2002 he became an assistant instructor under Meido Moore Shihan at the Genseikan dojo. Currently Malitsky Sensei serves as the primary instructor and dojo-cho at Great Lakes Aikido as well as the Genseikan dojo in Prospect Heights. Malitsky Sensei combines the practice of Aikido with his interests in other fields to explore biomechanics, improve the efficiency of movement, and in turn apply it to all areas of endeavor. Michael holds the rank of yondan in Aikido, and has been certified as an Aikido teacher (Shidoin).

Matt Lowry

Matt Lowry has studied the martial arts consistently for over 30 years, beginning his studies in karate, tae kwon do, and kung fu before turning his practice to Aikido, studying under Meido Moore Shihan and other instructors in the American Aikido Association, Aikido Schools of Ueshiba and Birankai. He finds the emphasis in aikido practice on tai sabaki (basic body movement), maai (positioning), musubi (blending), and zanshin (balance/awareness) to be fundamental to the study of any martial art. He currently holds the rank of sandan in Aikido, and has been certified as an assistant Aikido teacher (Fukushidoin).